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Walk in Interview - Research Assistant - RKI Project - “Development of Kaipad Organic Tidal wet lands of Northern Kerala through Mechanised farming, Rice Germplasm Conservation and Biodiversity based farming”

Tue, 08/09/2020 - 11:33am -- RARS Pilicode
Announcement Issued by
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pilicode
Notification Reference No
B2-2445/2019 Dated: 07.09.2020
Date of Notification
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Applications are invited for filling the contractual position of one Research Assistant (RA),under the project  “Development of Kaipad Organic Tidal wet lands of Northern Kerala through Mechanised farming, Rice Germplasm Conservation and Biodiversity based farming” being implemented by department of Agriculture in collaboration with the Kerala Agricultural University. The project period is for two years  and the notified  position is available until the end of the project  subject to the financial support from the funding authority.

A walk–in-interview will be conducted for selecting a suitable candidate against one Research Assistant(RA) post under the project on contractual basis at Regional Agricultural Research Station Pilicode, Kasargod Dist, Kerala.


Interview Date: 22.09.2020

Time:  10.00 AM

Venue:Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pilicode, Kasargod Dist, Kerala

Name of Post: Research Assistant (on contract)

Pay: Rs. 22,000 per  month (consolidated)

Qualifiication: Essential:B.Sc. (Agri/Hort.) OR M.Sc. (Basic Science/ Life science/ Social science) with First Class OR MCA

No. of Post: 01
Applications may be sent to Email: rarspil@kau.in

Last date of Application: 17.09.2020; 05.00 PM



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Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pilicode
Kerala Agricultural University
Pilicode Post
Kasaragod Kerala 671310