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Brief History

Pilicode, Kasargod and Nileswar I&II research stations paved a way for coconut research in India since 1916. In 1947 Kasaragod Research Station was taken over by Indian Central Coconut Committee, it became the C.P.C.R.I under I.C.A.R in 1970. The remaining three stations came under the purview of Department of Agriculture, Govt. Kerala in 1956. With the inception of Kerala Agricultural University in 1972, Pilicode and Nileshwar-II stations were transferred to Kerala Agricultural University with headquarters at Pilicode. Under the N.A.R.P., these two stations have been updated to form the Regional Agricultural Research Station for the Northern Region since Ist August 1980 onwards.


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Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pilicode
Kerala Agricultural University
Pilicode Post
Kasaragod Kerala 671310