Sanju Balan Dr.

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Dr. Sanju Balan, Asst. Professor, Plant Pathology
UG: College of Agriculture (KAU), Padannakkad,2000-2004;
PG: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara (KAU) 2006-2009
PhD 2016-2021; College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara (KAU)
Complete postal Address with city code (Office) : Asst. Professor, Plant Pathology, KAU, RARS, Pilicode, Kasaragod Kerala.671310
Home Address : Thriveni, Karimbam. P.O, Taliparamba, Kannur, Kerala.670142
Positions hold: Senior Technical Assistant at ICAR SBI, Officer Marketing and recovery (SBI)
Awards/Honours: • Best oral presentation third at International conference of virology (VIROCON)held at New Delhi during February 18-20 (2020) • Best poster award in national symposium on Sustainable plant health management admist covid pandemic :challenges and strategies held at CPCRI, Kasaragod during 1-3 December 2021.
Research Areas: Endophytes and PGPR, Molecular plant virology Research achievement: • Reported for the first time true seed transmission of Sugarcane bacilliform virus (SCBV) • Developed disease score chart for SCBV • Reported for the first time a new insect pest in banana
Publications Research papers 1.Sanju Balan., Sajeesh, P. K and Koshy Abraham. 2014.Morphological and Biochemical Characterization of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv dieffenbachiae (McCulloch & Pirone) causing Bacterial Blight of Anthurium (Schott.). Trends in Biosciences 7 (4) 636-640. 2. Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiah, R., Bagyalakshmi, K., Balan, S. and Kaverinathan, K.2019. Emergence of leaf fleck caused by Sugarcane bacilliform virus in sugarcane as a serious disease under field conditions in India. International Sugar Journal.121: 146-153. 3.Mahesh, P., Srikanth, J.,Chandran, K.,Nisha, M.and Balan, S.2014.Damage pattern and status of the leaf miner Aphanisticus aeneus Kerremans (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in Saccharum spp. International Journal of Pest Management.2-11 4.Mahesh, P., Chandran, K., Manjunatha, T and Balan, S.2013. Natural Incidence of Leaf Miner Aphanisticus aeneus (Coleoptera:Buprestidae) in Sugarcane Germplasm. Sugar Tech. 15(1):94– 97. 5.Sanju Balan., K. Nithya., Anita Cherian. K., and Rasappa Viswanathan.2021. True Seed Transmission of Sugarcane bacilliform virus (SCBV) in Sugarcane. Sugar Tech. 6.Sanju Balan., Sajeesh, P.K.and Koshy Abraham.2014. Exploring Entagonistic Effect of Endophytic Microorganisms Against Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.dieffenbachiae (McCulloch & Pirone) Vauterin Causing Bacterial Blight of Anthurium. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment & Biotechnology: 7(2): 305-312. 7. Gavas Ragesh and Sanju Balan. 2020.The first report on Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) as an invasive pest in banana from Kerala, South India and notes on its behaviour. Insect Environment 8. Sanju Balan., Viswanathan,R and Anita Cherian, K.2020.Status of leaf fleck caused by Sugarcane bacilliform virus incidence and severity in different sugarcane growing areas of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.Journal of Sugarcane Research (2020) 10, 74-86. 9. Aparna Radhakrishnan., Sanju Balan., Indulekha, V.P., Simi,S. and Sruthi Krishnan. 2020. Potential, economics and constraints of mushroom cultivation in Wayanad, Kerala. J Krishi Vigyan 2020, 9 (2): 171-176 Popular article-4 No.
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